Customer Testimonials

Here are a few words of praise from some of our satisfied customers:

“This company solved the problems with our aging parents! They totally understand the needs of the elderly.  We couldn’t recommend them more highly.” 

– Steve and Rachel Jensen

“Thanks for the outstanding service. One of the little guys you provided us with has made our handicapped child more independent.  And we noticed that after each surgery, recovery seems to be so much quicker. Needless to say, this has been a true blessing to our family.” 

 Tony and Katherine Mitchell 

“We used their service for our Alzheimer patients for two years in a row, and marvel at what a difference these therapy dogs make in uplifting our patients spirits.  They look forward to spending time every day with the pets.” 

– Tracy Brown and Devin Donahue 

"Having a trained dog helped our autistic child become more confident and more at ease.  It has made a world of difference in the quality of his life."

- Sally and Ed Neuberger

    Please call or email us for more information. 
   We look forward to hearing from you. 

Primary Source USA Therapy Dog Center
This business was started with Bailey - our first therapy dog. Sadly, his heart of gold stopped beating 5/6/14 at the age of 10.5 yrs. Our sweet little baby boy will forever be loved and missed.