About Us

We were founded in 1977 as a non-profit Health, Wellness and Medical products company.  In 1999, in response to the needs of hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions, we added a program for health and wellness consulting services.   

In 2004, our American Eskimo, Bailey, was the first Therapy/Service Dog trained to assist with the many special needs of a family member who had Alzheimer's.  Since then, we opened our doors to training many other dogs for specific special services for those in need. 

Our expanded services included training pets for therapy and service assistance to private homes, then later to hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living centers.

Our dogs also make routine visits to hospitals, nursing homes and senior citizen facilities where they participate in various programs that assist with the special needs at these places. 

On May 6, 2014, our first therapy assistance and service dog, Bailey, sadly passed away. In his memory, we established Bailey's Place - an American Eskimo haven.  Bailey's Place provides foster homes for abandoned and rescued Eskies until a loving pet parent or family is found to give an Eskie a forever home.

We appreciate any and all donations.  Food, blankets, beds, toys, towels, etc are always needed.

Please contact us with questions about any aspect of our business. We’re always happy to hear from people who have special needs and have not been able to find adequate help.  For situations that we do not personally cover, we have a vast network of resources to share with you. 

Primary Source USA Therapy Dog Center
This business was started with Bailey - our first therapy dog. Sadly, his heart of gold stopped beating 5/6/14 at the age of 10.5 yrs. Our sweet little baby boy will forever be loved and missed.